Billy and his father are sitting on two chairs in the audition room, facing the principal and the other members of the audition committee.
PRINCIPAL: Mr Elliot, I'm afraid that mutual respect and self-discipline are absolute prerequisites for any pupil in this school. Such displays of violence cannot be tolerated under any circumstances. Understand?
PRINCIPAL: (cont.) I realize we shall have to consider this very seriously and it will be bound to affect our final decision.
PRINCIPAL: (cont.) Yes, well, just a few questions, then. Billy, can you tell us why you first became interested in the ballet?
BILLY: Don't know.
His father looks at him with a scrutinizing look.
BILLY: (cont.) Just was.
PRINCIPAL: Well, was there any particular aspect of the ballet, which caught your imagination?
BILLY: The dancing.
BILLY’S FATHER: He dances all the time. Every night, after school.
PRINCIPAL: Yes, well, we have a very enthusiastic letter from… Mrs Wilkinson, and she has told us of your personal circumstances… Mr Elliot, are you a fan of the ballet?
BILLY’S FATHER: (pondering) I wouldn't exactly say I was an expert.
PRINCIPAL: You do realize that all pupils must attain the highest standards, not just in ballet but in their ordinary academic work? No child can succeed without the 100 percent support of the family. You are completely behind Billy?
Billy looks eagerly up at his father.
PRINCIPAL: (cont.) Are you not?
BILLY’S FATHER: Yes. Yes, of course.
TUTOR: Do you want to ask us any questions?
BILLY’S FATHER: (pondering) No, not really. No.
PRINCIPAL: Well, in that case we shall let you know in due course.
Billy and his father stand up, ready to go.
VICE-PRINCIPAL: Just one last question. Can I ask you, Billy: What does it feel like when you're dancing?
BILLY: (considering) Don't know. Sort of feels good. It's sort of stiff and that... but once I get going... then I, like, forget everything and... sort of disappear. I sort of disappear. Like I feel a change in me whole body. Like there's a fire in me body. I'm just there... flying... (looks up) like a bird. Like electricity. Yeah... like electricity.
PRINCIPAL: Have a safe journey home.
Billy and his father are at the door, leaving.
PRINCIPAL: Mr Elliot. Good luck with the strike.
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