The timer is at 5:00.
LOCKE: Can you fix it?
SAYID: This man, whoever he was, replaced the motherboard. The power transformer is blown.
LOCKE: Don't you need to know why?
SAYID: All I need to know is that the timer is counting down to something, and that this computer needs to be repaired. I'm sure you'll tell me why once I've done so.
Kate finds the breaker and flips the switch. The lights come back on.
KATE: Found it!
Kate and Hurley enter the computer room. We hear the alarm sound and see the timer counting down past 4:00.
HURLEY: Oh, what's that?
LOCKE: Sayid!
SAYID: Working on it.
LOCKE: You have to...
SAYID: I know what I have to do. Reconnected the processor, replaced the transformer.
Sayid hits the computer's switch and it turns on.
LOCKE: It's on.
KATE: Okay, so what now?
LOCKE: There was a code. He made me enter it.
HURLEY: What code?
SAYID: Do you remember what it is?
LOCKE: 4, 8...
HURLEY: Wait a minute...
LOCKE: 15, 16...
HURLEY: Dude, I'm serious, stop.
LOCKE: Hugo, this is not the time or the place.
HURLEY: Yeah, well, I think it is.
LOCKE: 23...
HURLEY: What is this thing? You don't even know what it does. We need...
LOCKE: 32...
HURLEY: You know what? Forget it, go ahead, do your thing.
Locke is about to push the execute button.
JACK (O.S.): It's not 32.
Locke and the others look up and see Jack entering the room.
JACK (cont.): It's 42. He just told me… Desmond. The last number's 42.
Jack is walking away.
LOCKE: You're sure?
Jack stops.
JACK: Yeah, I'm sure.
Locke enters 42, and is again about to press the execute button. The counter passes 2:15 while he hesitates and looks at Jack who starts to walk away again.
LOCKE: You do it, Jack.
Jack stops and turns around. Locke is standing up from behind the computer, meeting Jack in the middle of the room.
JACK: What?
LOCKE: You have to do it.
JACK: You do it yourself, John.
LOCKE: You saw the film, Jack. This is a two person job, at least.
SAYID: This argument is irrelevant.
Sayid makes a move to push the button.
LOCKE: Sayid, don't.
SAYID: Jack.
JACK: No. It's not real. Look, you want to push the button, you do it yourself.
LOCKE: If it's not real, then what are you doing here, Jack? Why did you come back? Why do you find it so hard to believe?
JACK: Why do you find it so easy?
LOCKE: It's never been easy!
The timer passes 1:00. Another, more insistent alarm starts to sound.
KATE: Maybe you should just do it.
JACK: No. It's a button.
LOCKE: I can't do this alone, Jack. I don't want to. It's a leap of faith, Jack.
The timer shows 0:27. Jack goes to the computer and pushes the button. The timer shows 0:01 and then resets to 108:00.
LOCKE: I'll take the first shift.
Locke sits down at the computer. Jack finally walks away. Locke looks up at the timer. The timer shows 107:00.
beste staffel einer grandiosen serie...
AntwortenLöschenJupp, sehe ich genauso.